Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Rats on Board Empty Vessels

The latest buzz around the Beltway is about all the staffers leaving the USS Karamela. “Rats leaving a sinking ship,” according to one commentator. What the scurrying reveals is how utterly craven the whole damn lot of them are.

We can begin with Karamela herself. How could anyone be taken in by this sack of nothing save craven ambition? Karamela herself revealed her true emptiness when asked how she could run on the same ticket with a man whom she had called a racist during the televised debates. Emitting her trademark giggle, Karamela replied, “[giggle] It was just a debate! [giggle] just a debate! [giggle].”

In other words: It was just politics. What I say doesn't matter at all, because it's just politics. Politics is meaningless. Vote for me, I am an empty vessel! A weather vane in the wind. NOTHING I SAY MEANS ANYTHING.

What kind of person would self-advertise in that way? Someone who is in fact nothing but a sack full of lust so shameless that her ego swallows even her self-respect.

Now, I am not a babe in the woods. I know that diplomats lie and politicians bullshit. But there was a general acknowledgement among the lot of them that one must at least appear to be principled. That acknowledgement was at least an echoing recognition of the importance of the real thing, a vague remembrance of a standard of conduct that ought to obtain even if it (alas!) it doesn't. The point about Karamela, is that she sinks lower than even that.

But if the vessel was a rotten hulk, the rats leaving it are even worse. Most of the buzz among the chatterati swarmed around Symone Sanders, Karamela's senior advisor and spokeswoman. Sanders was uniformly praised as smart, brilliant and savvy. A real “asset” in Washington. She was Bernie's national press secretary in 2016 and then...

Whoooa! How does someone go from working for Bernie to working for the DNCC and from there to working as a senior advisor to Biden in 2020 and thence for Karamela? Well listen to Symone herself

"I'm very proud of the work we have done [with Bernie] and am now looking forward to helping elect down-ballot Democrats and do all I can to ensure a Democrat is the 45th president of the United States."

In other words, whom I work for doesn't matter! They're all just clients and it's all just politics.

Let's be clear. Biden and Bernie do not stand for the same things. To give one glaring example: Bernie believes in universal health care for all Americans; Biden believes in financial care for the insurance industry. I could go on, but I will assume that the reader has a passing awareness of the difference between Bernie and a neo-liberal, corporate steppinfechit.

What this means is that Symone, and the other rats like her, are willing to jump from ship to ship as long as they think the ship is going somewhere -- “has trajectory” as they like to say. For their own professional advacement, they hook themselves to whatver rudderless vessel without compass seems to be going somewhere. Principle means nothing. Honor means nothing. Direction means nothing! The only expedient that matters is to “make it” among the crowd of those who are also “making it” under the flag of their own self-importance.

You've heard of junk bonds? This is junk politics. It will end in a political crash. It can't come soon enough. To mix metaphors, our government is a rotten husk swarming with maggots. The sooner it is cut down and turned into mulch the better the prospects for this forlorn, plundered and forsaken country.


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