Saturday, March 26, 2022

The Price of Our Values

During his press conference at NATO headquarters yesterday, President Biden stated that military assistance to Ukraine would continue. So too the sanctions on Russia. He also acknowleged that global food shortages were not just a possibility but a reality certain.

“We did talk about food shortages and it's going to be real; the price of these sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia, its imposed upon an awful lot of countries as well including European countries and our country [USA] as well...”
Brilliant! As if this were not foreseeable? The day after sanctions were imposed we noted that imposing them on Russia was tantamount to shooting ourselves in the foot. That was the a priori predictable effect because the essence of an “interconnected globle economy” is precisely the fact that it is... uh... well.... “interconnected."

Did our ruling elites not understand that ? Of course they did. The chorus of elites that joined in preaching to us that “we” would have to make sacrifices to defend our “liberal democratic values” could only speak one thing: they knew. Working for our “liberal democratic values” they spend their lives working out trade deals, loopholes, kick backs and safe-havens. The price of things is the one thing they absolutely know... as well as who actually pays it.

Let us put things in a little over-view perspective. Instead of twisting arms to get the parties to the negotiating table to work out a deal both can swallow while saving face, what is the Liberal Democratic West doing? It is fomenting an ongoing war. It was obvious from day one, when it became clear that Putin was going beyond an incursion into just the Donbas region, that, unless Russia won decisively and swiftly, the conflict would quickly degenerate into an asymmetrical quagmire that could only end up reducing the country to civic, economic, and physical rubble. That too was obvious a priori given the known strengths and weaknesses of each side. And yet, rather than pushing a peace process that will restore some kind of a statu quo ante, the Liberal Democratic West is doing just the opposite.

Oh, it is true; the West is not escalating the war. Apart from the War Whoops coming from chimps and hyenas in Congrease, what the Biden Administration is orchestrating is giving the Ukraine just enough arms to make life bloody and miserable for the Russians, for as long as possible, but not enough arms of such kind and calibre to actually win which is what Zelensky has been asking for. The only problem with making life bloody and miserable for the Russians is that that too boomerangs and inevitably will make life bloody and miserable for the Ukranians.

Certainly escalating the war would entail unthinkable risks and likelihoods. Thus the remaining alternatives are: to seek peace or to add just enough fuel to keep the war simmering.

That fomenting another ongoing war is the aim of the US and its western “allies” was made clear on February 28th when That Creature took to the airwaves to endorse sticking it to Putin. We did this before, Hilllary said, when we gave aid to “the insurgents” in Afghanistan to fight Russia back in 1979. (Cute... really cute. By “the insurgents” Bitch Hillary meant “the Taliban.”) “Of course, that had unintended consequences,” she said with a smile. She ended, in her typical scolding tone of voice, saying that we should turn the screws on Putin. But turning them on him she also turns them on the Ukrainians, whom we from the sidelines cheer on in their defence of our values.

Among those values are the immense profits to be reaped by supplying weaponry to the Ukrainians. The hypocrisy of the West is vile and stunning. Cashing in on the “heroism” of the Ukrainians, urging and enabling them to be more heroic still, we are doing nothing but spreading death and destruction throughout that land. Beware the “West” bearing gifts.

In this regard it might be noted that the he Soviet-Afghan war lasted 10 years, and ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union. The collapse of the Putin regime in Russia is the real end game here. As we have discussed, the roll-back and fragmentation of Russia has been the end game since 1992. That is why NATO was extended eastward, despite assurances to the contrary. That is why Zbigniew BrzeziƄski called for the breakup of Russia. That is why Obama pushed the TPP treaty, explicitly stating that we could not abdicate the Eurasian markets to Russia and China. That is why the legitimately elected Yanukovich was toppled in a meddling CIA “orange revolution.” That is why now, we offer Ukraine the opportunity to become another Success Story in Devastation, like Iraq, Libiya, Somalia, Afghanistan...

The amazing thing is that despite the historical spin and moralizing bullshit that gets fed to the American public, the ghouls behind the policy are actually very open about what they are up to. In an article in Bloomberg, Nial Ferguson quotes a senior administration official as saying, “The only end game now, is the end of Putin regime. Until then, all the time Putin stays, [Russia] will be a pariah state that will never be welcomed back into the community of nations.”

But the converse is also true: Russia will not be welcomed back and the economic sanctions will not end until there is a revolution in Russia that overthrows Putin. In other words, sanctions will be maintained until Russia is defeated. And as long as sanctions are maintained so too the boomerang effect. No one can begrudge Ukrainians their natural and heroic impulse to defend their land. However, that heroism is being used and abused by the West for its own misconceived geo-political ends.

But rejoice! Heroism in defence of values is not limited to the Ukraine. We too are now given the chance to prove our moral fibre in defence of our values by joining in the “price that must be paid.” Having just been hit with sticker shock at the pump, we are now told to prepare for sticker shock on a loaf of bread. The war, will continue, the sanctions will continue and we have to brace ourselves for food shortages.

Of course the price of brioche will never phase the Impeccable von der Lying, just as the price of Belgian chocolate bon bons will never phase Nancy Peelousy and the price of a battery will never cause a tear to Colbert-the-Clown. But the cynicism of these locusts who know the price of everything goes beyond just not being affected by the misery they impose on everyone else. According to Biden,

We [apparently meaning the US and Canada] also discussed how wheat could disseminate more rapidly and in addition to that we also talked about urging European countries and also everyone else to end trade restrictions on sending limitations on sending food as well. So we are in the process of working out with our European friends....
What “trade restrictions” ? Let me think.... Eureka! We can get “our friends” in Europe to lift their restrictions on GMO crops and Monsanto/Bayer's “Franken seeds.” Oh what a windfall for Big Ag and Big Chem!! Ha ha ha.... if they want bread they'll have to renounce their quality and environmental restrictions.

So not only will Europe be forced to forgo cheap Russian gas in favour of more expensive American LNG -- something that Evil Trump tried but failed to get the Euro's to do -- they will now be forced to buy American and Canadian wheat. Ah yes... defending our liberal democratic values turns out to be so profitable for all concerned.

Not only is the Ukraine the latest unlucky proxy in our ongoing geopolitics of power projection and preserving American preeminence, the People of the West will be despoiled just as Ukraine is destroyed.

Biden ran for president on the promise of making some feeble enhancements to America's cruel-joke of social welfare. He failed. Not only did he fail to squeeze the thumbs of two recalcitrant senawhores until they sang they voted as decency required, he actually added to the cost Seniors have to pay for their Medicare premiums, in order to preserve a patent windfall for PharmScam, Inc. Not only did he fail to relieve student loan debt in any meaningfull way, he allowed the child tax credit to expire. Needless to say, neither he nor his Demorat party have done a thing to drive down the costs of housing or to preclude predatory investors from cornering the market and driving the prices up. And, now, after these and other steps back from his progressive promises, Biden now tells the American people that they will have to pay more for fuel and food. None of this is unintended, either These are not “unintended” consequences. They are thought out very well beforehand.

So yes, the United States, leading the Liberal Democracies of the West, has declared war on Russia, a war Ukraine will have to fight. But it has also declared war on its own people. Biden just told you'all to your faces if you will only listen to the words he spoke.

©2022 WCG

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