Monday, May 30, 2022

The Nauseating Demorat Act

The latest mass shooting has triggered the Demorats to go into full burst mode demanding an end to gun violence and the outlawing of "automatic-assault-style-type" weapons. Their strategy for November is quite clear: harp on gun violence and a woman's right to fetus flush.

They failed to build back better;
They failed to expand medicare;
They failed to stop pharmaceutical blackmail;
They failed to extend the child tax credit;
They failed to provide student loan relief;
They failed to raise the federal minium wage;

and in adddition to failing on any of their campaign promises,

They have failed to curb inflation;
They have failed to bring down gas prices;
They have failed to provide housing security....

For all their talk about caring for the ordinary working Americans the Demorats have done nothing, nothing, nothing... except dump 40 billion dollars into another war somewhere on the globe. There is always money for war.

A war for which they sanctimoniously tell us we should be happy to tighten our belts.

Elizabeth Warren can "outrage" on the steps of the Supreme Court over a woman's right to choose ; Kamala Harris can quake with emotion as she decries guns that are "designed to kill"....(duh); President Biden can rent his garments "in God's name!" They are the very face of pious hypocrites. The whole damn lot of them.

Decrying the lack of movement on gun control The New York Slime saith

"But as currently structured, Congress is fundamentally unresponsive to the needs of its most vulnerable citizens and has been corrupted by powerful interest groups, allowing those groups to block even modest changes that the vast majority of Americans support."

Oh sing sorrow of sorrows! So only now you discover that "as currently structured" the Senate is the enemy of the people? Where were you when senawhores Mancin and Sinema were blocking legislation that the majority of Americans supported? Where was your voice rising to heaven "in God's name"?

“Sodom and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.” Ezekiel (16:49)

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of extortion and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisees, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also." (Matt 23:25-26.)

You High Priests of Forty Second Street bemoan injustices that cost you nothing to fix; but those injustices that would require you -- yes you -- to part with some of your wealth so that others might have a portion of what you enjoy, on those injustices you are silent except to mumble excuses about political realities....

We despise Republicans. In our view they suffer from a congenital defect that makes them less than human. But the enemy who pretends to be your friend is always worse than the enemy who is honest about where he stands.

The Demorats do nothing for the young, the old or the struggling middle. No less than Republicans they serve only their corporate Johns. Do not think they are one of you. Everyone in Congress is in the top 4 percent of income earners, and will be for life. And that is just on the basis of their $170K salary.

They don't need you and you can't hurt them. If they loose the election, they will still enjoy all their comforts and privileges as they hob nob amongst themselves. The reason to punish the Demorats in November has nothing to do with teaching them a lesson or political change. It is simply a matter of self-respect.

Otherwise, as "currently structured," only an iceberg can correct the ship of state.

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