Friday, July 29, 2022

Peelousy's Lust

Nancy Peelousy, the chocolate bon-bon queen, is hell bent on stopping off in Tawain during her mid-summer tour of the Orient, despite Pentagon and White House urgings that she can the visit. But what does Peelousy care if it sets off a heightened stand-off between China and the United States -- a China that, thanks to the neo-liberal ghouls in Washington, supplies so much of what the U.S. needs?

Is she insane? Is she stupid? She may corrupt, morally bankrupt and deluded with self-importance but stupid, not.

So why is she willing to heighten tensions between China and the U.S. -- between a China that could always declare another Covid lockdown on her main port of overseas export?

The ever sagacious BBC opines that Peelousy just has always had a penchant for "poking" China in the eye. You know like her other penchant for designer chocolates which she publicly delighted in consuming as people lined up at food banks for miles two years ago.

Despicable as Peelousy is from every angle viewed she is not going to Taiwan just to poke Xi Jinping. She is going to Taiwan to poke Xi Jinping in order to gain votes.

You see, weighing in at 247,000 residents San Francisco's Chinese population accounts for near 30% of the city's total population. And the Chinese are very politically active. The community is not as staunchly opposed to the mainland government as it was 20 years ago. The nationalist flag is not as ubiquitous in Chinatown as it once was. But San Francisco's Chinese community remains a pro-Taiwan bastion.

No. Peelousy is not stupid. Along with her lust for chocolate, her lust for money, her greatest lust is her boney clutch on power, and for that over-riding obsession she is willing to risk confrontation with the one kid on the block that can seriously kick our ass.

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