Sunday, August 8, 2021


 Quoth the New York Slime

"The muted American response on Sunday showed in no uncertain terms that America’s 20-year war in Afghanistan is over. "

Could this result be called a disappointment?  To be disappointed presupposes that one had an appointment, or as we would say, contrary expectation from the start.    We did?  

Woodchip Gazette

This war is nothing that can be won with a handful of battles. On the contrary, it presupposes a continuous engagement. And who is the enemy? All Arabs? No.... not all....

To declare war against an unseen, amorphous, invisible enemy who is given no option other than implacable hate, is a gross stupidity which can only be explained by this country’s overweening arrogance and self-righteousness. For that pride the Devil will have to be paid.

 The Devil's Bill (September 12, 2001.)

Intoxicated with self-righteousness and fired with bellicosity we are rushing headlong forward without the least circumspection or doubt. This is the surest way to disaster.

Our own misdeeds bring misfortune upon us and lead us to rush headlong into disaster. It may be that in this imperfect world we must do imperfect things; but if we do not pause beforehand to examine ourselves honestly and humbly we become mere agents of Fury which like a fire is only interested in consuming what it burns.

    Deus lo vult  (September 19, 2001.)

The madness began in earnest this October 7th when we invaded Afghanistan to “smoke out” Alkaydah and teach them ragheads not to mess with Uhmurkans!! The yahoos in my town took to peeling rubber in their flag-bedecked picks-ups as they leaned on their horns and screamed “yeeeehaw!!” “kickassssss!” and “Muuuuuuuuuurrrkaaa!” at the top their lungs. The town elders hung banners that read “America Land of the Free” even as Congress was voting away our liberties.

The yeeehawing and honking continued for three days. Old Glory became ubiquitous - hanging from every house and store; plastered on bumpers, on posts, and windows. The town was intoxicated with jingoistic, testosteronal self-love. Thump! thump! thump! thump!   Whom the gods would destroy they first make A’mukans.

    Whom the Gods would Destroy ( October 31, 2001)

This "war" will be like smashing a bead of mercury with a hammer.
Translating Government Non-Speak  (October 11, 2001) -  

Now go back and read whatever bullshit the MSM was spewing.

We have spent close to three trillion dollars shooting shepherds, blasting mud huts and bombing rocks.  (Oh yes, and fattening the Swiss bank accounts of our satraps.)  And the surprising result?   Think on what social goods that money could have instead been spent.

I hardly ever criticise enlisted men, NCO's or field-grade officers.  Their's was not to reason why.  But priests, pundits and politicians are another matter.  The ilk that run this Saturnian country are either the most colossally stupid, drooling morons imaginable or they are the most disgustingly venal, morally putrid, hypocrites.  Take your pick but stop making excuses for this place. 

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