Kicking Biden in the teeth, Bibi gives his most nauseating speech yet while Trump not so subtly hints at a U.S. presence in Palestine to stabilize Gaza so that the most beautiful beachfront property in the world might be developed causing Bibi to all but cream in his pants at the death of a two state solution and at being allied to the country he so effusively thanks and controls.
Genocide of the mind is always the handmaiden of genocide in the flesh. Before or after, the people you exterminate are simply supposed not to exist. "What Palestinians?" Golda Meir infamously said.
The destruction is terrible, said Trump, as if it just, you know, was. We thank you for aid and assistance said Bibi. Lives? What lives?
Not a mention of a two-state solution; not a mention even of Palestinian aspirations. Just Trump's passing allusion to creating many, many jobs, beautiful jobs... as hewers of wood and drawers of water in the construction of hotels and condos for Jewish investors in Las Vegas, Chicago and Tel Aviv.
Not a mention either of the International Court of Justice or the International Criminal Court. Along the Jerusalem-Washington Axis, these institutions no longer exist. The "law based international order" which we established in 1947, and which Blinken-Biden stabbed in the back last year, no longer exists. International law? What international law?
The mantel of legitimacy had been cast aside sans souçi left for the Russians and Chinese to pick it up. But, at that point, with nothing really shared, the idea of law dissolves, like a receding wave in the sand. What is left is but a mist over Hobbsian raison d'etat. Welcome to the age of Big Dick.
Those pathetic American satraps called "Europe" might raise a feeble protest, but don't count on it. Feeble is too much effort for these nations of a temps perdu. "Europe? What Europe?"
As for the countries of the Middle East, Bibi and Trump know that they too are eager to "eventually" get into line. Make no mistake, money is always stronger than blood. The only thing holding back the despots of these tin pot and gold pot countries is the fury of their own oppressed millions who, having no money, think only of their kindred blood. But as soon as these democratic hindrances are removed the Arab nations will be eager to complete the Abram Accords.
The Palestinians' only hope is China who, having her own "road and beltway" interests in the region, might find it convenient to wave the flag legitimacy under U.N. resolutions. A slim reed indeed.
Slimmer yet is the notion that anyone in the Israeli controlled U.S. Congress or the Zionist dominated academic-infotainment industry will do anything to save international law or, much less, the Palestinians. What really makes Bibi happy -- so happy that he could barely be seen to contain his joy -- is that he daily proves the antisemitic trope of all time.
Don't rely on me. Ask Uri Avneri or Gideon Levy.
Of course Bibi is very careful to always talk about "we" just as we are careful to talk to the Europeans about "us" but no one is fooled. ... No one, except the brainwashed ghouls in Congrease. It is truly an amazing feat and one that will be studied by historians for decades to come, how a hapless people, living on a shoe string and hand-me-downs brought to heel the world's first great super power and, now, walks it about like a trained monkey.
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